Beautiful Me

The Disclaimer

Hello and Welcome my fat zomba(s). You have entered to blablabla. I just shared what I like and feel. Put your own words. I hope you like my new skins. Thank you :)

Travel This Site

The Cbox Song

♦ URL blog wajib ade not email
♦ Harsh words & Anon not allowed


This skin is made by : Mrs AF
Some helped from :
Unnie Atiqah
Some coding from :
Fatin Hazwani
Using basecode :
Aishah Baharudin

All rights reserved ® Your Name 2011 - 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012 8:56 AM 0 Atashinci(s)

Assalamualikum hello me eyda so handsome. jealous much ? godai . haha opsss :>
actually kita tengah count date nak pegi Sabah nie . so Sabah . please welcome me . meso 'kuno; about youuu . 
and please make sure u're awesome . hah ? *gulp*

actually esok kite dah nak pegi Sabah , satu barang pun tak pack lagi . biasa la , sabah je pon bukan Eopah , New York mahupun Korea . okayy finee .
Azrul pon kata kite tak semangat langsung . macam mana nak semangat awak ? awak takde duduk sebelah orang dalam flight tu nanti haha come on please kick me .

Petang tadi kite pergi pejabat pos sebab nak tanya kenapa pos laju yang kita kirim kat azrul tak sampai sampai . so saddd youuu . so harini hari sabtu thats mean pejabat pos tutup . sangat la tak cool okayyy
memandangkan dah pakai heels 18inci , make up tebal mengalahkan opea cina and baju merelip bagaikan ramlah ram kite bertekad taknak sia siakan keanggunan ku . haha .
so kite ajak hilmi my hottest little bro pegi makan laksaaa . sedapp okayyyyyyyyyy !

*azrul as usual kite rinduu awakkk *